Welcome Friend!
You are in the right place!

We are excited to meet you!  If you are anything like us, new experiences can be both adventurous and the cause of anxiety.  Let's get you set up for a marvelous experience...

  • What is it like?

Each Prayer Set or Group runs a little differently.  Some are geared toward creative forms of prayer, and some are straight foreward quiet prayer times.  Some run in a silent space and some prefer soft worship music in the background.  

You never have to pray out loud if you do not want to.  You are welcome to join in as much as you are comfortable.  Check out our Local Opportunities on our Home Page to better explore what is actually happening in the room.

  • What about my kids?

Kids are always welcome!  They are not a distraction or a bother.  We have supplies so they can color or they are welcome to join in!

  • Where do I park?

Park right outside on Belmont!  Hint: all the pictures on this website are things you will see... there is a tall steel bell tower in front of you...our entrance is just to the left of the double turquoise door...beside that cute little table with a welcome sign...

  • What do I wear?

Comfortable clothes.  We keep the room just over 70 degrees year round - Cool in the summer and warm in the winter.  If you usually need a sweater at 70 - then bring one!!  

  • What about praying in tongues?

Not everyone agrees on this gift of the Spirit and we understand that fully.  Some of us have experienced this, but not all of us.  So in accordance with scirpture, we are sensitive to that.  If it will be an expected part of the set,  we will let you know in the description on our about us page.