Currently City Prayer meets in a lovely little room at 1608 N Belmont

Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays at 7 pm.


Mondays are led by Mary Bright.  When you come, expect to share in prayer in different ways.  You may find us coloring, or singing, or practicing silent prayer.  We move with the Spirit and pray as the Lord directs. 


Thursdays are led by Jessica Lofquist.  Throughout this fall we are focusing on praying for those governing over us.  From our country's President right on down to our local leaders, we will use a prayer guide weekly to guide our thoughts and hearts as we pray for leaders.  The guides are provided weekly - come and join us!


Fridays are a time of worship and devotion.  David and Mary Bright will lead you in a time of soaking worship - sing along or sit and pray.  Let God speak to you and find a space of peace to meet Him and listen.  We guarantee you will leave refreshed and ready !