Welcome to City Prayer!
Every Neighborhood, Tribe and Tongue Everyday 'til Jesus Comes!

We are City Prayer.  It doesn't matter where you go to church on Sunday, we are here to cultivate your heart for prayer and worship!  Every neighborhood, tribe, and tongue  - every day til Jesus comes back!  

We are a place where the Community of Christ crosses boundaries by building bridges together.  We come from a variety of different Local Church Bodies.  We serve One Lord and Risen Savior and we are better together.  We even cross language barriers.  We help Christians discover the beauty and variety that God has planted here.

Your donations support both a prayer room, and an online platform built for prayer, encouragement and connection in Southwest Kansas and to the ends of the earth.  Our goal is to walk alongside churches and individuals as they seek God's face.  We are better together as a unified body!